EENI MEENI MYNI MO - pop, fashion, movies, music and co....guess whos blogging, representing this show ;)

Sonntag, 7. Juni 2009

Who the loui - extended

So now comes the final question.. WHO is Loui.. and WHY does he think that anybody should give a crap about his life and is opinion.:::

I'm a selfcentered, overrated and constantly curious guy from Berlin.
Berlin Neukoelln!!! If anybody doesnt know about Neukoelln..its the district of Berlin that belongs to the young, rich and famous..:

here some extracts of Neukoellns beauty:

I started this blog becaus I like the blogger culture. Im not that familiar with I thought a BLOG would be the perfect thing to annnoy people with my shit.
Isn't that lovely ;)

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